LP Staking Issue

So I have 1 LP Token, but when I am trying to stake it, it’s giving me some errors. Was hoping if someone from the community can point me towards the right direction.

Images are attached below:


I think there is a bug the’re working out with staking. You get an error when trying to stake RFRM directly to SSS as well.


same issue here too

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Ok that is understandable. The team is working on this I hope

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Yes, I hope the team is working and we will be able to use it soon.

We have already address this issue on discord

But thank you for the heads up

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Still have the same issue unfortunatel… when it will be fixed

How Did you get LP token

I provide Geth and RFRM LP on uniswap v2 LP section

Getting 0.08 LP token

But reform dashboard can’t detect that :unamused: