How to add LP using $RFRM token on the testnet

very useful ! I will inform later if it worked for me

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Hello fam, do you know whatā€™s wrong with this? This shows up when I try to do SINGLE SIDE STAKING

@johnnydeath Check announcements in discord. Staking is not available right now, they are fixing it and will announce when itā€™s back up.

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Oh thatā€™s why, thanks fam!

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Iā€™ve done this a couple of times, but the task never verifies. Where I was wrong was that, I used uniswap v3. Lemme try again now.

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thank you so much for the method

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thank you for the solution sir

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i still have 2/6 despite doing every thingā€¦please help

I have RFRM but it isnā€™t showing up on my testnet Dashboard

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hi Vomado
how you add USDT and USDC to your Goerly account
If you send, which
network you used ERC 20?

Swap gETH or RFRM for it on Uniswap

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nice guide! well done bro. this ll help many!

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@Lokho :point_up: Take a look at my previous message

it should be uniswap v2 (I think)

everything that this legend says is true ! Go follow his steps and you will get your tasks done !

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After doing all task listed here, still 3 out of 6 conpleted and itā€™s been 48 hours since I did all these.

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@Vornado10 thanks a lot fam, Iā€™m already 5/6 at task now by following your guide

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Uniswap v2 gives LP token and v3 gives NFT. So use V2

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Thank you for your work. I did all your steps,bought bonds, for different periods (from 1 uear to 5) did Uni V2 pool, staked in Reform, claimed , forced unstake, but still 3/6 task

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Thanks to this amazing community, I have 5/6 tasks. Hope i will find the 6th soon.

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